Answered By: Laura Horgan
Last Updated: Jan 11, 2015     Views: 133

If you have been asked to complete a work cited page the library has a tool called Noodlebib that can help. This tool will create a perfectly punctuated bibliography in an APA, MLA or Chicago punctuation style.

What do you have to do?

Keep a list of all the sources you have used. A source can be a magazine or newspaper article, book, website, or DVD. Doing research in the digital age is sometimes easier and more convenient, however if you don't keep good records while researching completing your works cited page will be a challenge. In the past it would be easy to tell the difference between a newspaper article, a magazine or a book. The challenge in the digital age is to tell one print out from another.

Find out what kind of citation style your professor requires. A style is just a set of rules established which explains how sources used in your paper should be presented and punctuated. There are several different styles including MLA and APA and your professor will probably have a preference. Just ask them or check your syllabus for specific information.

Remember many of our databases have several types of sources contained within them. It is not good enough to know that the print out came from EBSCO, Gale or another subscription database.

EBSCO Article sample (If you need information on how to search for EBSCO...)


 Search for your topic

Click on the title of the article

This will bring you to a brief description of your source

All the information you need for your citation is located there.


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