Answered By: Rip Rybnikar
Last Updated: Apr 04, 2020     Views: 74

Yes, you can.  If you mean “can I save the articles I found” then the answer is yes. If you mean “can I save the search itself?” the answer is yes again.


Saving articles.

From EBSCO databases you can save the article to your device or email it to yourself. You can also save article by adding them to the folder. Where is the folder?



Note the little blue file folder icon with a + on it on the lower right of the image above. Clicking that puts this article in your folder. Items remain in the folder until you log out of your session and leave EBSCO. You can keep items in your folder by signing up for an EBSCO account. See in the blue border at the top of the picture? Clicking on “Sign In” also offers the option of creating an account. [Please be aware that you can still email everything in the folder to yourself without signing up for an EBSCO account, you just can’t save the contents for future use without an account.]

Once you have added something to your folder, you will see a folder list on the right side of the page. This shows you everything that you have in your folder.

If we go to the “Folder View” we see that other options have opened.


In the center of the picture, highlighted in grey, is a check box that allows you to select or deselect all. If you look at the individual article, it and all others in the folder have their own check boxes. This allows you to review articles in your folder prior to sending them.   Clicking on the email icon will open your E-mail Manager.

From here you add your email address. Note the sender’s email  This unfamiliar email address might end up in your spam folder. We recommend adding a subject line to both retrieve it from spam should it end up there or to satisfy you that an unfamiliar email is not dangerous to open. On the right side of the page there are other options. The first two depend on what kind of format your article choices are. (Remember being shown HTML or PDF or both?)  One option is to send everything to a basic text page if available. Another is to send them as PDFs as attachments if available. As with all choices in EBSCO, any checked box can be unchecked or any unchecked box can be checked. The other options refer to the format and length of citations that can be sent in the same email. Please note that if you selected PDFs that will mean one email for every article you selected.  Finally, note that on the lower part of the page is an unchecked box asking you if you would like to delete these items from your folder after sending. This is, of course, up to you. This only really matters if you have signed up for an EBSCO account since if you don’t have one, the folder contents disappear when you leave the session.

Saving the searches

In EBSCO you can save your actual searches.  The searches can be sent or saved in your folder. The same rules apply to saving anything in your folder. If you don’t have an account, your folder will be emptied when you log out of your EBSCO session. Clicking on the share dropdown box produces the options you see in the picture below. You can add the first results or add the search to your folder. At the bottom of the popup in the picture, there is a Permalink for this search that you can save or share. Please note that when you use this you might be asked to log on again using your library password.






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